[AI] Universal Sentence Encoder & Sentence Clustering

6 minute read

Sentence Clustering

문장으로 구성된 Raw Data에서 의미가 비슷한 것들을 클러스터로 묶어 분류하는 작업을 진행할 예정이다.
이 작업이 어떤 과정으로 이루어지는 필요한 개념과 도구를 알아본다.

각 문장들을 수치화하고 이 수치를 기반으로, 유사한 값들을 가진 것들끼리 묶는 과정으로 진행된다.

DataSet 가져오기

Dataset은 Google BigQuery Public Data Set을 이용한다.

Google Cloud Public Datasets

from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.colab import auth


project_id = 'bigquery-public-data'

# # Create a "Client" object
client = bigquery.Client(project=project_id)

# Construct a reference to the "github_repos" dataset
dataset_ref = client.dataset("github_repos")

# API request - fetch the dataset
dataset = client.get_dataset(dataset_ref)

# Construct a reference to the "commits" table
table_ref = dataset_ref.table("commits")

# API request - fetch the table
table = client.get_table(table_ref)

# Extract commit message, convert to dataframe
dataframe = client.list_rows(table, 
                      bigquery.SchemaField("subject", "STRING")            

commitMessages = dataframe['subject']


Embedding의 개념은 표현하고자 하는 대상을 dense vector 형태로 변환하는 것을 말한다. 그 대상은 단어, 문장, 문서 전체, 이미지 등이 될 수 있다.

여기서는 문장을 임베딩하는 Universal Sentence Encoder를 사용한다. 입력으로 텍스트가 주어지고 출력으로는 512차원의 vector가 생성된다. google에서 만들었으며 tf_hub에 공개되어있다.

Universal Sentence Encoder

!pip install tensorflow_text

import tensorflow_hub as hub
from tensorflow_text import SentencepieceTokenizer

embed = hub.load("https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder-multilingual/3")
embeddings = embed(commitMessages)


K-Means Clustering

수치화된 문장 즉, 임베딩 결과를 가지고 K-Means로 클러스터링한다.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np


kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = CLUSTER_CNT)

labels = kmeans.labels_
labelDict = dict()

# key : cluster number
# value : commit message array
for i, commitMessage in enumerate(commitMessages):
  if labels[i] in labelDict.keys():
    labelDict[labels[i]] = [commitMessage]

for label in labelDict.keys():
  for commitMessage in labelDict[label]:
    print('{} : {}'.format(label, commitMessage))

아래는 100개의 메시지를 10개의 클러스터로 분류한 결과이다.

0 : Webtree doc from Marc
0 : Merge branch 'chef-vendor-apt'
0 : Changed parsers to make is compatible with new branch. 
0 : Merge branch '1.0'
0 : Merge branch 'google'
0 : Merge commit for internal changes
0 : Merge branch 'devel'
0 : Merge branch 'master' into api-refactor
0 : Merge rbenv parent repository
0 : Merge branch 'master' into profile_deletion
0 : Merge branch 'hotfix/4284' into develop
0 : Merge branch 'version/bump' into develop
3 : packages/liboil: fix whitespaces
3 : Stop supporting kUnknown_BmpHeaderType DO NOT MERGE am: 71eb09f952 am: 63762a3d4f am: 6bcf8398db am: fb82d6bf7c am: ee560f7102 am: 47dfb6b44c  -s ours
3 : [arm-fast-isel] Doublewords only require word-alignment. rdar://10528060
3 : Fix access of MFT_RECORD->bytes_in_use to use le32_to_cpu() instead of le16_to_cpu() in libntfs/volume.c.  (Pete Curran)
3 : Merge changes I85492417,I93389a2c into nougat-cts-dev am: 37eaa88ac2 am: a7dc5ef89b
3 : Merged V4.1-BUG-FIX to HEAD (RECORD ONLY)    38419: Merged HEAD to BRANCHES/DEV/V4.1-BUG-FIX:       38381: ALF-14835: Sharepoint/WebDAV: exclusive lock fails deemed to be owned by someone else.
3 : DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE Update support library version to 24.1.0 am: 95003af5cc  -s ours am: f705afce0e  -s ours
3 : Merge branch \\'ub-launcher3-burnaby-nyc\\' into nyc-dev b/29535844 am: 3c0c2c4b02 am: 027594fc1b am: 9015be72e4 am: a088d2be66
3 : Merged HEAD-BUG-FIX (4.3/Cloud) to HEAD (4.3/Cloud)    65156: Merged AUTO1 (4.3/Cloud) to HEAD-BUG-FIX (4.3/Cloud)       63143: WEBDRONE-580
3 : builtin-clone: use strbuf in clone_local() and copy_or_link_directory()
3 : Fix <net/if.h> compile time problems on OpenBSD for good
3 : Merge branch 'update-code-package' of git://github.com/neeckeloo/zf2 into hotfix/3297
3 : Merge branch 'ZF-4817' of https://github.com/thomasweidner/zf2 into hotfix/zf-4817
3 : Merge branch 'ZF2-512' of https://github.com/mediacabinet/zf2 into hotfix/zf2-512
3 : Merge branch 'hotfix/ZF-9521' of https://github.com/adamlundrigan/zf2 into hotfix/zf-9521
3 : Merge branch 'hotfix/codegenerator-clean' of https://github.com/Maks3w/zf2 into hotfix/code-generator-cleanup
3 : Merge branch 'hotfix/ZF-11036' of https://github.com/thomasweidner/zf2 into hotfix/zf-11036
4 : Fix an assertion hit when the serialized diagnostics writer receive a diagnostic from the frontend when the location is invalid and the SourceManager null.
4 : - Fix the release number computation and add some additional consistency checks.
4 : Close #5169 - session already invalidated
4 : Changes to fix possible bug.
4 : Revert "ensure auto skipping of db tests is verboten"
4 : develop - fixed test issue
4 : Revert: Reorganize sidebar according to mockups
4 : qemu: unittest: Tweak log message
6 : [NA] Обновление exportIntegration.config, добавился Каменск-Уральский (109)
6 : [ERM-3133] Core Main => Prerelease FI
6 : [NA] Core Main RI
6 : [arm fast-isel] Appease the machine verifier by using the proper register classes. rdar://12719844
6 : [NA] 2.1-E12-ThreeLittlePigs
6 : [NA] Актуализация Prerelease -> Main RI
6 : [ERM-5249], fix, 8: валюта в ПФ
7 : listo ?3
7 : force commit
7 : build bump
7 : Cleanup
7 : Pass tenant_name to zuul config.
8 : Bug 53480 - Add Kerberos support to Http Sampler (HttpClient4) svn eol Bugzilla Id: 53480
8 : Update svn:ignore.
8 : New script needs python-yaml.
8 : Remove empty directory.
8 : update vendor
8 : update generated files
8 : tag release.2010-11-23
8 : Updated FAST_Library VisualStudio project
9 : CLOSE #4008 - trunk(7.2.x) - Add a local build feature to Convertigo Studio  - Enable Cordova "Local build" menu
9 : inprogress #4547 - Fixed CustomTransaction URI
9 : FI [$/ERM.BL/Dev/Features/ActivityMigration/BL]
9 : inprogress #3384 - (trunk) handled objects like arrays in compact mode
9 : inprogress #2583 - added the ant build procedure in trunk
9 : Merge pull request #17373 from Microsoft/10662-volumetests
9 : Merge pull request #228 from phobson/no-filters-on-db-object
9 : Merge pull request #63 from twhittock/const-cast
9 : [flang] Merge pull request flang-compiler/f18#319 from flang-compiler/eas0
9 : Merge pull request #572 from icgc-dcc/feature/DCC-1292-portal-api-expose-static-counts
9 : Merge pull request #13833 from Microsoft/10662-dockerbuild
9 : Merge pull request #1469 from arkpar/mix_test
9 : Merge pull request zendframework/zf2#6246 from rodmcnew/6244-translation-loaders-from-config
9 : Merge pull request zendframework/zf2#5242 from dpommeranz/fix/form-collection-attributes
2 : Initialized merge tracking via "svnmerge" with revisions "1-11870" from  https://opennms.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opennms/opennms/branches/feature-hibernate-merge
2 : Merge root@wimsey:/home/donp/dev/working/setools-dev into twoface.(none):/home/method/temp/setools-release
2 : Merge "[RenderScript] Add finalizer to support lib context." am: b0348c2928 am: afa1917182 am: bc46c8c574
2 : Merge branch 'issue-464-reql-admin-api' of github.com:rethinkdb/docs into issue-464-reql-admin-api
2 : Add 'src/WellCommerce/Bundle/CoreBundle/' from commit '2712d9fcba63b4b9f9f9c9de21f88423027a656c'
2 : Merge mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.0-clean into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.1-clean
2 : Merge branch 'time_saving' of https://github.com/arbalet-project/arbasdk into time_saving
2 : Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue/186_cannot_read_property_id_of_undefined'
2 : Merge jcole@work.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.0 into tetra.spaceapes.com:/home/jcole/bk/mysql-4.0
2 : Merge branch 'feature/cache/xcache' of git://github.com/marc-mabe/zf2 into feature/xcache
2 : Merge branch 'session-renamed-interfaces' of https://github.com/prolic/zf2 into feature/zen27-session
1 : Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/senbox-org/s1tbx
1 : Merge branch 'master' of github.com:concordusapps/grunt-haml
1 : Merge branch 'master' of github.com:stevesims/vptimelinehandler
1 : Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/greenkeeper-babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs-6.16.0'
1 : Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Locbit/OctoPrint-Locbit
1 : Merge remote-tracking branch 'prolic/view' into prolic-zen-52
1 : Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1 : Merge branch 'devel' of github.com:ska-sa/casperfpga into devel
1 : Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/SimonHarte/SpartanGrid into develop
1 : Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TECLIB/geninventorynumber
1 : Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into frameworks
1 : Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/CMPUT301W15T02/TeamTo
1 : Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/Tamarabyte/cmput410-project
1 : Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/fatih/structure
1 : Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/KrazyTheFox/StarDB-for-Java
1 : Merge branch 'master' of github.com:WGEN-SLI/SLI
5 : (portal-ui) fixes merge issues
5 : (portal-ui) small tweaks, update team

Elbow Method

K-Means의 한계점으로는 클러스터 개수 선정에 있다.
위의 예제에서는 10개의 클러스터로 분류를 하도록 진행하였는데, 적절한 클러스터 개수를 어느정도 파악할 수 있는 elbow method을 적용해본다.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

sse = []
for cluster_cnt in range(1, 20):
  kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=cluster_cnt, init='k-means++', random_state=0)

plt.plot(range(1, 20), sse, marker='o')
plt.xlabel('cluster cnt')


그래프가 많이 꺾이면서 이 후 부터는 값의 변화가 거의 없는 지점을 elbow라고 한다. 이 근처의 값을 선택하는 것이 어느정도 최적화 된 클러스터의 수라고 할 수 있다.

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